
10 K +
Number of patients
1 year
Age of Practice
0.5 DDS.
Number of Dentists
0.5 K+

Meet the best team in the field

Our clinicians have a century-long accumulative clinical experience in dentistry
We conduct individualized treatments based on evidence-based dental practice
Through case conferences and team coordination system, every resource of the hospital is put for a single patient

Make your dental visit exciting

Experiences at your dental office must be more than just painless.
It should be pleasant for both children and their parents.

What we do at
Children's Dental Center

Oral Examination | Preventive Care - Fluoride Application, Parental Care Consultation, Tooth Brushing Instruction, Caries Risk Assessment | Dental Caries Treatment | Minor Surgeries | Sedation Treatment | Orthotropic Analysis and Intervention | Orthodontic Appliances & more

Book via Naver
Contact us 02-515-0926 |



Usually, first baby teeth erupt around about six months of age. It would be appropriate for your child to visit the dentist between 6 and 12 months of age. For infants,  prevention is way more important than getting treatments. In that sense, it would be ideal if the child gets regular dental check-ups every 3-6 months.

There are many different factors that contribute to protrusion of teeth. It can be discrepancy between maxilla, unfavorable positioning of anterior teeth, abnormal breathing patterns, parafunctional oral habits, and etc. Accordingly, treatment plans vary for different causes. You should visit a dental clinic to figure out about the cause and get consults on treatment plans.

It is not surprising that people can associate negative emotions with any kind of medical experiences. To minimize the anxiety level, our clinic has means for distraction such as the main media-wall, Youtube-connected tv-screens on the ceilings + headphones, books & toys for children, and small gifts on their way out. For children, however, it is important that parents or care-givers should not threaten their children with dental visits in daily lives. For instance, if you scared your child who eats sweets by saying, “you will have to have your dentist pull your teeth out soon,” it would be weird if the child shows calm and cooperative behaviors at the clinic. It would be helpful if a child thinks of dental visit like a visit for hair-cut (something that happens on a regular basis). 

Something must be done immediately because an uncooperative child can get injured while being treated. The first line for behavior control is “voice”. Clinicians can use a low and determined tone when they speak to the child. Also we can use nitrogen oxide, also known as “laughing gas”, with oxygen to calm down the child. If the child is grown enough to communicate and build rapport with her/his doctor, the parents might be asked to leave the treatment room to help the child focus on the doctor’s instructions. For some children who exhibit extreme bodily movements,  we can use what’s called “pedi-wrap” that wraps around the child’s body to limit their movements for safer treatment. If a child is too afraid or needs extensive treatments, sedative treatment or general anesthesia may be used. Every step will be done with parental consent after explanations.

Business Hours


09:30 ~ 13:00 Last registration 12:30
14:00 ~ 18:00 Last registration 17:30
*Lunch time : 13:00 ~ 14:00

Saturday &
Public holiday

Saturday &Public holiday

09:00 ~ 14:00
*No lunch break.
**closed on some of the national holidays - Children’s Day, Christmas, Lunar New Year, Thanksgiving, and etc. Please check "News" for the updates.





Cheongdam-dong 70-15, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea


Cheongdam Station Line #7


Parking service / valet parking are available at all times.

Phone Number




Parking facilities


Play room


for the Disabled