
Major themes of our services are
precise, conservative, preventive, and desirable.

For more information, give us a call 02-515-0926

Oral Examination

Caries diagnosis using a laser detection device.
Individual caries risk assessment with plaque pH test and questionnaires.
Radiographs with minimal exposure set-up.
Parents are welcome to be present during the whole procedure.

Prevention Clinic

A specialized team focusing on prevention & maintenance.
Parents and care-giver education for oral health and desirable facial growth including tooth brushing instructions, diet recommendations, and habit control consultations.
Myofunctional trainer / parafunctional habit control for desirable facial growth and development.
Cooperative total care system for patients with the rest of departments: surgical, restorative, orthotropic, and orthodontic teams.

Minimally Invasive Treatment

Maximal conservation of tooth structure by minimizing tooth removal.
Increased precision by using dental light microscopes.
Step-wise approach, preserving extensive treatment options.
For microscopic procedures, parents can monitor the process via screen-share.

Safe Sedation

For younger patients (< 4 year old) where proper patient cooperation cannot be expected.
Patients with extreme fear and anxiety.
Use of clinically safe sedatives* and vital monitoring devices.
Use of N2O aka “laughing gas” and O2 ventilation and pressure monitoring devices.
A patient must be assessed by our dentists in persons, prior to treatment planning.

Orthotropic Treatments – BioBloc & RAMPA

Non-surgical, minimally invasive approach using orthotropic appliances.
Precise analysis of factors that interfere with desirable cranio-facial growth and occlusion.
Improvement of bimaxillary relations to cranio-facial development to attain enough space for dentition.
Our growth guidance treatment is also designed to ameliorate breathing/sleeping patterns which is crucial in growth and development.

Disability treatment

Specified date for Disability treatment : biweekly saturday.